A Book Secret …

I’ve been keeping a secret about my book, Bolt From The Blue.

With a lot of anticipation, celebration, and enthusiasm, it entered the world. It’s now over two weeks old. Holding the printed book in my hands and sharing the story I kept hidden for so long has been surreal.

Since I birthed “Bolt,” I have kept its physical adventure a secret … until now.

When my husband and I were first married, he was a youth pastor. One very special early teen waltzed into our lives and stole our hearts. I called her and another special gal, my first daughters. We spent a lot of time together. We’ve kept in touch over the years, but haven’t gotten to be together very often. She now lives in Colorado. She’s a lovely woman and holds a very dear place in our hearts.

Before my book launched, she texted me and told me she was taking a trip and hoping my book arrived before she left.

My brain hatched an idea. My sweet Josie obliged with enthusiasm. She was a cheerleader. And has always had an engaging vivacious spirit.

SECRET: At his earliest age, “Bolt” took a trip across the pond!!

“Bolt’s” had a European adventure. I didn’t want to impede her trip with her daughter, but she clicked a few photos of the journey.

Zurich bound, the first stop before Florence.

From Zurich, it traveled on Edelweiss airlines to Florence. Do you know The Sound of Music is my favorite film? It is! And the song Edelweiss is a song I’ve sung my whole life and now sing to my grandchildren. This pic struck a sweet spot in me!

Next up, the Duomo in Florence. The Duomo is one of the greatest masterpieces of Gothic art. This Florentine cathedral is one of the largest churches in Christianity with its 160 m in length, 43 m wide, and 90 m in the transverse nave. The interior height of the dome is 100 m.

Inside the Duomo Cathedral. I love this image. When the Colson’s asked me to write this book for them, they said, “Everyone who has told our story leaves God out of it. We want God in it; where he was when we went through it.” God is in every thread of their story in this book. Seeing it inside an old European Cathedral rings very true to its contents.

I love European/ Middle eastern stone cathedrals. The acoustics are fabulous. I’ve sung in a few while touring. The sound resonates feeling timeless and majestic.

A cup of espresso in Rome!

My thoughts … this is how you read a book!! Travel to Italy, order an espresso, find a comfy spot and read. Perfect formula! The enticing aroma and warm liquid make a magnifico combination! Anybody want to go?

A houseboat in Amsterdam.

What a lovely view! Picturesque. An alluring thought … staying on a houseboat in Amsterdam. Doesn’t it sound bougie? In reality, it might not be, but it’s giving me those vibes.

Josie said she had to stop carrying her backpack and switch to a crossbody bag. So, “Bolt” didn’t get to as many sites as she wished. Nevertheless, “Bolt” made the trip across the Atlantic and traveled with a dear friend. She bought the first paperback from Amazon and took it to places I never dreamed it would go!

If you are taking “Bolt” with you on vacation, send us some pictures or post them on Facebook or Instagram with #boltfromthebluebook and notify us of the post. We’d love to collect an album full of “Bolt’s” travels.

We can play Where in the world is “Bolt” (like Waldo)!

Or, send or post a picture of where you are reading the book. Hopefully, with you and the book! We’ll see all the places “Bolt” lives!

That’s “Bolt’s” first trip; Florence, Rome and Amsterdam with a quick plane change in Germany.

Many thanks to Josie and Anna for hosting the trip!!❤️

”Bolt’s” living his best life!

Bolt From The Blue can be purchased on Amazon.

We’d love written reviews left on Amazon!

Secret’s Out,

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