She’s HERE!!… Introducing…

2 of 2 has arrived!!

You may recall when I made this surprise announcement last November.

Two grandbaby girls were on the way to join our family!

Indie Mae joined us the day after Thanksgiving… 2022!

Her “cousin-twin” joined us on Maudy Thursday, 2023.
Four months apart.

It is with elated joy I introduce to you…

Miss Delaney Grace…

Her Mommy & Daddy’s Announcement …

“We knew there was a sweet little miracle growing in my belly, but on the morning of April 6th we discovered she is an absolute Angel from Heaven! Our sweet Delaney Grace joined our family 11 days ago and life is already so much sweeter and filled with Joy! She is truly our greatest blessing and has our whole heart! 💗 We love you so much sweet girl, Mommy & Daddy can’t wait to watch you grow! But for now we’ll just soak up all your snuggles 💕✨”

She snuggled-in an extra week and weighed in at 8lbs. 3oz. and 21”!
Her Mama was 8lb. 2oz. and 21”. (She was a week early.)

She has lots of hair, her Mama’s color. Her features favor both of her parents. It’s pretty easy to see! She has long fingers and toes, definitely her Mama’s traits. She’s got the kissiest little lips and cheeks, enough to go around.

The doctors who’ve seen her have all commented on how strong her muscles are. She pushes and resists them like a champ. I noted she has biceps definition the first time I saw her arms! Maybe an athlete?

Of course, she’s PERFECT!

After 41 weeks of waiting and a long labor, she arrived to tons of cheers, celebrations, FaceTimes, texts, hugs, kisses, and tears!!!

Tears flow from me when babies are born: possibly the sweetest, most touching moment in life. Freshness, newness, answered prayers, an unbelievable miracle lies before me. I’m overcome. With every “Grand”, my heart melts, eyes water and love multiplies overflowing over and over at just a glimpse of their angelic faces.

A visible miracle in my arms or my childrens’. It blesses me beyond measure and words. “Awe” is an experience void of words.

Finally in my arms! Heaven!!

Truly, only the creator God could design, implement, and deliver new life. It is a moment of divine visitation: heaven touching earth. Man cannot replicate it apart from God. We are the privileged recipients of God’s gift of priceless value. His entrustment stuns me. The human body is shockingly magnificent and points me to God, who attended to the tiniest details; some we will never fully understand. Amazing! Marvelous! Astounding! Miraculous!

Babies have a way of centering and focusing us; priorities clarify. I remember the feeling and watch my children experience it… when your baby is in your arms, the entire world can pass you by. You instantly zone in and care for your child. Other priorities take a backseat! An incomparable gift… nothing in the world can replace!

Instantaneous transformation: I love watching. Lots of titles define adults: wife, husband, daughter, son, engineer, photographer, sister, brother, grandchild, “Deda”, “Wee-Wee”, tennis player, biker, foodie, chef, etc. but, the moment “Mama” and “Dad” become titles, they become preeminent. Rightfully so! Our child becomes our passion!

Precious Delaney came home to a house full of equipment set up for her arrival, each purchased with care and anticipation of her needs and comfort. I am positive if an unprepared for need arises Mama and Daddy will provide for that as well!

Delaney’s abode!

An Aside: Baby technology has evolved so much since I was a first time Mom. When I compare, it seems and sounds like I lived in a cave!

How did we ever do it?

Some wise entrepreneurs have created a boatload of smart baby devices; so much more efficient and usable than our rudimentary, archaic, and rustic equipment. The comparison instantly ages me to the point of laughter! A lot can happen in one generation! Wow!

The breastfeeding supplies themselves take up a whole large basket and more! My daughter explained all the contents to me! She laughed when I told her… In my day; we got by with a hand-pump that included a bulb you squeezed, lanolin cream, and washable cloth nursing pads. It didn’t even fill a small lunch bag. I am happy all those resources are available for her to aid in success. I sure would have used most of them, if they were available way back then! Motherhood has come a long way!! Imagine the jump when Delaney becomes a Mama!

If you want to read about Delaney’s name, I wrote about it HERE! It covers so many lovely thoughts and reasons.

I had the exceptional privilege of sharing the first week with “Laney”, her Mama and Daddy. Passing in a flash, it was such a gift to me. I love newborns, especially my grands. Think Goo-Goo Gaa-Gaa. If you ask to see pics… it’s all on you. One pic is never enough!!

The “first” days hold some challenges for everyone, but they also contain the very first of firsts. What a joy and delight to watch her car seat be carried into the house from the hospital!! Yippee, Mama’s growing belly is now exterior, visible, touchable, breathing, cooing, gazing, experiencing all the newness. She’s here, she’s home. We dreamed it, prayed it, imagined it and now we experience it!! It’s all come true. A front-row seat irreplaceable!

Watching my daughter with her first child, a daughter: My baby with her first baby… surreal! The momentous milestone was not lost on me: every moment treasured! I prayed these moments would happen; dreamed and imagined them. Watching them unfold; a priceless gift. Liv was born with a natural “mama” gene; a born nurturer to her dolls, dogs, horses, neighbors, etc. She’s nurtured me a few times, as well as her nieces and nephews. Watching her cradle her own baby girl flooded me with emotions!! So much joy!!

My first photo shoot with Mama!

I adored watching Delaney’s Daddy take up his new role. He so lovingly, tenderly, and attentively cared for his girls. His tiny heart-holder enthralled him. She cuddled, snuggled, and slept on his chest like it had her imprint. Sighhhh!!!

See how I fit right under Daddy’s beard!

I’m praising God for the newest miracle he’s sent to our family!

I can’t wait to see her and Indie interact as they grow. How fun to have a cousin close in age! Delaney’s already wearing Indie’s clothes! In case you don’t remember, this is our second set of “cousin-twins”. Justice and Goldie are two months apart; look alike and sound similar. They’ve been adorable together!! The jury is still out on Indie and Delaney looking similar, but it’s possible! I know one thing, lead by their older cousin Goldie, the girl-power will be a force in family gatherings!

She’s Here! She’s Home! She’s Thriving!

Delaney Grace, we are ecstatic by your arrival and presence in our family!

We feel God’s miraculous touch and grace by your presence!!!

You are a divine gift and loved beyond measure!

Please Note: I do not post about my joy without realizing others have heartbreaking, life changing sorrow, especially in the area of infertility and children! Our family has experienced those too! Nothing erases those! Here are posts I written about Loss and Infertility … Here and Here and Here. I care about you and would love to pray for your situation. Just type “Pray” in the comments!

Blessed to be a member of the “Grand-est” club on earth,

Another baby to pamper/spoil and love,

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