Guess What?

Now that I’ve climbed out of my bed for more than an hour, I’ve looked ahead on my calendar. For those who aren’t up to date on my January, read Here.

Guess what I discovered?

Easter is in MARCH this year!!! March 31st to be exact!

Yikes, that’s next month!

Upon further investigation, guess what happens February 14th, besides Valentines Day …

Ash Wednesday and the Lent Season begins!!

That’s just a few days away! My head is swimming! My pace just quickened!!

I did not grow up in a faith household that observed Ash Wednesday or Lent. I knew about it! Not from teachings at church, but from my very dominate pool of Catholic neighbors, friends, and classmates. I grew up surrounded by it, so I knew about it! I never dug deep to find out why we didn’t or why they did, but I got the gist of it!

My friends and classmates had many self-imposed restrictions: no chocolate, no dessert, no Fritos, no chips, no soda, no cussing, no this or that till Easter. There was talk around the lunch table! I sort of felt sorry for them, not understanding the spiritual aspect involved. I can’t say if they understood either, but I admired their fortitude and commitment.

Later in life, I’ve come to understand more about Lenten practices and denying yourself out of remorse over sin and identifying with Jesus’ sacrifice. I have to say so many of us identify with Jesus’ sacrifice corporately. We nod, attend services, watch movies, imagine the crucifixion scene. Applying it is a whole different context. We may accept Jesus’ sacrifice for us personally. Yet, how many personal actions do we take to signify it?

I have to admire my Catholic friends who, without reservation, took a personal hit to their lifestyle and preferences to acknowledge Jesus giving for them on the cross!

Whether you do or don’t practice Lent or Easter, I wanted to mention a few resources if you are interested!

I want to be more vigilant and thoughtful approaching the Easter season. Just like Christmas, I don’t want to pass an annual Milestone/Spiritual Celebration without noting it. Processing it. Thinking about it. I don’t want to miss my personal reference point. I want it to matter, effect me, change me, renew me, give me a new glimpse, inspire me, etc.

Here are some resources. For most, I haven’t read every word. Personally, I did like all of them. Please read the description and reviews for yourself.

Click on the book cover you’re interested in and it should take you to the book/devotional!

Do you observe the Lent season? If so, how?

Do you have any recommendations?

Please tell us in the comments below, we’d love to know!

I know it seems early, but the calendar is clicking on and it will be here in a blink!

I pray this coming season blesses you deeply!! Help it along by feeding your spirit!

Catching Up, Looking Ahead,