In my distant past, I tried it once or twice: concluding… yuck!

Growing up, it was not in our food repertoire. Being from the north, Pennsylvania, specifically, breakfast held some odd choices. Ever heard of mush, scrapple, chicken-liver gravy? I didn’t care for some of these things either, as my taste buds developed.

But, Oatmeal was not in our family rotation. I wonder, now, if my Mom didn’t care for it, so she didn’t make it much. Dad says they had it in his home growing up.

However it happened. I don’t remember trying it often and when I did, I remember “slime”!

It may be an unfair assessment, but oatmeal = slime in my mind.

I had been revisiting trying it this winter. People speak of it with affection and the sound of a hot breakfast sounded so appealing.

Last week, my hairstylist, Susan, mentioned trying a new oatmeal recipe: Apple Pie oatmeal! It sounded like something I could, might, sorta like. Big bonus; it was in the crock-pot overnight! So I’d wake up to it ready. The more she spoke, the more I became invested in trying. While my hair color was processing, I started looking up recipes!! Having apples in the frig at home spurred me on.

I decided Friday, I would give it a whirl Saturday night when we were having overnight guests.

I have a small 3 qt. Crock-pot, so I adjusted the recipe to fit the crock-pot and four people.

I informed our company of my experiment. Being foodies, I knew they’d be all in. My husband was in too. He doesn’t dislike oatmeal but doesn’t make it for himself.

As always, I dumped in more spices than it called for. Most recipes are blander than I would prefer. I measure over the edges on most spices and sometimes once I mix it, I add even more. I go by smell and sight. The recipe measurements are a starting point! It’s not helpful for replicating, but for me, it becomes perfectly inconsistent. I often add different spices, not just larger quantities. All of it is in the same spice family.

I knew “slime” was very bland, so more spice couldn’t hurt!

I used water as the recipe called for, but made the last 3/4 cup milk. Some recipes call for all milk, not water, but I knew we’d be adding milk to the final product when eating. I went with more of the water method.

I wanted to meet with success on this almost maiden voyage, so… the toppings!!
Adding some crunch and texture to “slime” sounded optimum!!

Here is what I had on hand: milk, craisins, brown sugar, maple syrup, toasted pecans and are you ready for this… caramel sauce!!

Ok… I did not use all of these, but had them on hand for choices! I envisioned a B&B with an oatmeal bar! I can get carried away sometimes😉

The caramel sauce was mentioned in a similar recipe!

Hint: When I am trying a new recipe, I read many listings. Lots of times I incorporate elements of each, making my hybrid of ingredients. If it sounds good, I add it😉.

The aroma in the morning was worth all the effort. Upon rising, I went to the kitchen to move the low setting to warm. My husband already had a bowl and declared, “It was good!” Reminding me of the Genesis 1 narrative: Hope was rising. He noted he added yogurt to the top of his!

After getting ready for church, I dished up a portion, adding about two teaspoons of brown sugar and pecans to the top of my trial.

Guess what??

It didn’t taste like slime anymore!!

It hit all the notes of apple pie with pecans!

The inner warmth upon ingestion was a welcomed sensation, triggering comfort and a sigh!


Our guests gave thumbs up too! One used brown sugar and pecans and the other used maple syrup and pecans.

Are you an oatmeal lover?

I still believe oatmeal can taste like slime, but not always!!

How do you like it best?

Have you tried a new thing this year?

Find Base Recipe HERE.

Thanks Susan,

6 thoughts on “I TRIED IT!

  1. Lacey and I both love oatmeal and we eat it often in our home. Instant Peach oatmeal is my favorite. I always add extra milk so it’s not the slime! lol I’m going to have to try your recipe though because that sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my! This very recipe is a staple here here in our home. The added apple pie ingredients were shared with me a few years ago, I’m now hooked! I prefer mine topped with pecans and Honey!!! Yummy!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yummy!!! I love oatmeal and oatmeal bars!!! Try steel cut! They have a great “chew” and are especially great in the crockpot. I used to make a big pot and eat them all week and definitely with brown sugar, butter and pecans!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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