“The Truth About Me!”

Last week, I explained where I have been for a month. If you missed my post, catch up HERE!

Many of you offered kind thoughts and prayers! Thank you so much! I cherish all of them!

I am progressing along. Still resting, napping, and downing the fluids! My energy is improving, and I have been able to put most of the Christmas decor away! Laying on the couch staring at it for weeks, 24/7, wore on me and I Love Christmas Decor!! For the first time, it looked like clutter!! I’m sad it happened!! I hope it never does again! It kinda hurt my heart to not love looking at it!! But as every other thing this month, I’ve listened to my body, honestly.

I’ve heard from some of you who have been ill as well, others have lost loved ones and others are going through very difficult life circumstances: leaving this start to 2024 less than optimal and for some of you it’s been gut-wrenching! My heart breaks listening to your stories.

Do not be deceived … life is HARD!! None of us are exempt from being human in a broken world!! It can be hurtful, painful and break our hearts! I don’t know anyone who has escaped difficulties in this world. Sure, there is joy as well, but it is rarely constant!

I think about Jesus walking through this world. His journey was not constant joy, and he was the God-man having a perfect relationship with God and understanding everything that is hidden to us! Yet, his 33 years were filled with heart breaking experiences and ended with death by the religious and political leaders.

Why do we think our lives will or should be the opposite?

The Bible tells/warns us that “in this world you will have tribulation!” It doesn’t say maybe or possibly. It says “WILL”!

We tend to “focus on the positive”, almost denying that our journey will include tribulation. Then when life hands us the unimaginable, we are surprised, floored, gutted. I’ve been there too!

I’m not a pessimist by any stretch of the imagination. I’m a realist!

Don’t be surprised!! It saddens me to say; difficulties will happen. You may think you won’t survive it. I could tell you story after story!! I’ve felt that way! It can be so harsh that your faith is disappointed, even mad at God. It’s okay to be disappointed and mad at God. He understands your anger! He too is disappointed in the world and people he’s created; designing so much more for us!!

PLEASE remember this:

God loves and treasures you! Cling to that even when everything else is topsy-turvy and your heart breaks! He doesn’t promise a heavenly life on earth! He DOES promise to walk with us through our journey here!!

Find JOY here … Nothing can separate you from God’s love … NOTHING!

When you have nothing else, God loves you still … Always!

Trust He is with you even when you don’t feel it! Don’t trust your feelings … trust God’s words! He loves you!!

You are His beloved!

My prayer for you, my friend … hold on to these truths with all your might until you feel it again!! And every day thereafter!

Prayers & Love,

2 thoughts on ““The Truth About Me!”

  1. Hi Elaine, yes I can Identify. Christmas was very hard this year without my dear Joe. I miss him so terribly. I took my decorations down New Years day. I usually leave them up all January. Yes, it seemed like clutter to me also which I never felt before. also I was concerned of the electric bill. Life is so different.
    Cyndi Steele

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cyndi, I am so sorry for your loss💔you’ve had a monumental life change, one we never want to have! I am so sad for all the changes it forces on you! You are in my thoughts and prayers as you navigate uncharted waters and grieve his passing!!🙏🙏


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