ON THE WAY TO MY BOOK LAUNCH… Episode 4 … Book Reveal

It’s time to reveal the cover and subject of my book!!

Two weeks ago, I explained …

If you live in Virginia, this story may ring a bell. If you’ve lived in the Fredericksburg region for over 15 years, you may remember this occurring or even be linked to it somehow. It received coverage in the Richmond and Washington, DC news networks and newspapers.

Let me reveal the cover, then I’ll share a bit more …



June 3, 2009

From clear blue skies and white billowy clouds, a supercharged bolt plummeted to earth, striking two eleven-year-old boys.

Both died instantly.

Forty-three minutes later, Jonathan’s heartbeat returned.

Jonathan’s awe-inspiring experiences challenge beliefs, traditions, and a God who fits in a box or inside our thoughts. His story invites us to view God bigger, different, outside of norms.

Jonathan’s out-of-body experiences play out like cinematic movie scenes. His remarkable telling points us to another realm.

This book will change your perspective on life and the power of faith as you join Jonathan on his incredible journey of overcoming death and experiencing the miraculous. Through his story, you will find hope, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of God’s love and power.

This “Bolt From The Blue” occurred on a baseball field in the Lee’s Hill area of Spotsylvania County; the greater Fredericksburg area.

As I mentioned earlier, the incident has received attention in the media. But, never has Jonathan and his family’s story been told in full!

As Jonathan’s Mom told me, “they left God out of our story.

I can guarantee something or everything in this story will touch you in deep places as it has me!

Throughout Jonathan’s recovery journey, we document miracles and take note of thought-provoking spiritual interactions.

You are some of the very first to hear about the book I have been writing! I have kept the contents under wraps the whole time I was writing. It’s hard to stop talking about the details once you start. So, I kept it at, “I’m writing a family’s story!”

It feels odd to talk about it. I suppose soon, it will become quite normal!


6 thoughts on “ON THE WAY TO MY BOOK LAUNCH… Episode 4 … Book Reveal

  1. I remember this like yesterday and can’t wait to read your book Elaine! Lacey referred to this tragedy so many times as a coach for little league football. If he even saw a storm cloud it heard thunder, he would have those kids off the field until it passed! Thank you for writing this precious family’s story because I know it is a miracle form God that Jonathan survived!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m looking forward to it Elaine, I’ll get a copy as soon as they are available. Love to you, I’m excited for you and the family also. Miriam

    Liked by 1 person

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