On The Way To My Book Launch … Episode #5 … Your Invited!

I hope by now you know, my book will be available on Amazon June 3rd, 2024!

If not, Catch up HERE!!

Since this is a BIG “First” for me, we are planning a celebration. I’ve been “pregnant” with this book a few years shy of a decade. It’s been growing in my mind and slowly tumbled out through my fingers onto page.

I forget how to live without thinking about it, truly! This will be a large-transition-life-change for me … to have the book completed. I’m not sure what I’ll think about or what new project I’ll take on!

I am a single focused “project” person. This is by far the LONGEST project in my repertoire except my marriage and raising children, if they’re projects.

I have found the completion point!

Right now, I am enduring labor and birth is right around the corner.


I want to CELEBRATE!! With everyone!!!
So many of you have encouraged me along the way!!

It won’t be a baby shower, but a party!

So … here is YOUR invite to the Book Launch Party!!


We welcome all celebrators to come and join us as we express the joy of a new birth! A Book Baby!

After all these years, “the baby” is ready to survive on its own!!!

It feels quite surreal! I’ve dreamed of these moments and hoped for the fruit of all my labor. Now that it’s near, it’s pretty unbelievable. All the lows and highs, the frustration in trying to move it forward, and the gut level persistence and determination has brought us to the finish line.

There will be books to purchase books (the first printing), opportunity to have your book signed by the family & me, enter to win door prizes, take home some book freebies, see the exhibit of objects you’ll read about in the book! Intake some refreshments, hear a bit of book extras. Perhaps entertain a surprise or two.

All of this and the location is at Historic Sunnybrick Farm, a lovely location!

If you’re near enough, stop by to join your “Woot Woots”, “Yee Haws”, “Yippees”, “Bravos”, and “Hoorays” to our own.

You might hear us from wherever you are!!

We’d love to have you with us!!

Ready to Party,

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