Five More Days …

That’s right, only five more days … Monday, June 3rd my book will be available on Amazon in paperback and ebook form …

It is surreal, pinch me time! I worked so long on this manuscript and had it swirling in my head and heart for years on end. I’m walking through that mythical fog where it doesn’t quite seem real!! I’ve been telling people it’s real, but feeling it is another thing!! I’ve even held a copy in my hand and placed it on my shelf, but somehow the reality hasn’t quite reached my brain with crystal clarity. I think it will take a while!

I’d like to share today a few ways you can help this book adventure. But, first, let me be clear!

We did not put this true story to the page for our own advancements. We do not intend to bank a lot of money or even strive to. The purpose of telling this story for the public has two purposes only…

1. To acknowledge God’s involvement in these circumstances.

2. To help others who may experience relatable circumstances in their lives … to give hope, comfort, encouragement and inspiration. Honestly, I can’t imagine something in this story not being relatable to every human.

The family and I have no other agenda!

Our meager efforts to “promote” (I dislike this word) or “get the word out” are expressly for the above two purposes.

If I didn’t believe this project could advantage people, l wouldn’t have spent years on it!! I wouldn’t have even taken it on.

We believe and want God to use it as He wishes or designed. We feel our part is to do what we can with it and leave the rest to Him.

So, my goal has been to put my best efforts and know-how to the project. I have tried to give it my best attentions as we release it, so the potential for the greatest effects can occur. Therefore, giving more people the potential of being touched by this God story.

If anything I ask below doesn’t sit well with you, that’s okay. Opt out. But, if you’d like to join us in spreading the word about the book with the honest intentions of giving hope, encouragement, inspiration, then we’d love your assistance.

How You Can Help …

  • Share My posts about the book on Facebook and Instagram any place you post social media.
  • Share this or past blogs about the book on your social media pages.
  • Share the book with Friends and Family
  • Order and Read the Book
  • Buy books as gifts or everyday treats for someone else (Graduation, Father’s Day, Birthdays, Vacation reading, etc.)
  • Upload a picture of you with the book on Social Media using hashtag below
  • Share the book’s Amazon Link on Social Media
  • Like and Comment and share Social Media posts of the book
  • Recommend the book to Book Clubs, Church, any Organization you belong to, etc.
  • Invite us to an event to sign books and/or speak
  • Post using our hashtag: #boltfromthebluebook
  • Leave a review on Amazon (this bumps up its visibility to readers on Amazon)

The more people who read the more people who can be touched, encouraged, and inspired by this true story!!

Did I mention? … Leave us a review on AMAZON!

Don’t forget your invite for this coming Sunday. You’ll find all the information HERE!

If you missed what the book is about and want to know, click HERE!

Thank you for being such a supportive and encouraging blog family! I appreciate all your kind and engaging comments!!
