“Bolt From The Blue” GIVEAWAY!!

Monday the book we’ve been counting down dropped on Amazon!!

Order it here on Amazon!

I’ve put together a “Bolt” book reading kit for you containing “blue” things!!


Items in the giveaway:

  1. One of these mugs! I chose them as “my book” mug. I loved the blue and gold with white!! I gave them as thank you’s to my “girls” who worked so hard to produce the book launch. When you sit down with a book, a drink nearby is a given!
  2. My Favorite Coffee all the time … just happens to be BLUEberry! Of course when you read a warm cup of coffee enhances the experience!
  3. One of these Journals. A place to record quotes or inspiration. Or start writing your own book!
  4. Eye Masks to refresh your eyes when you finish the book!
  5. Some mints to pop a little sweet while you turn the pages!
  6. A Candle to light the text!
  7. Pack of Blue tissues. In case you shed a few tears.
  8. Bolt from the Blue Pen
  9. Custom made Bookmark!

I’ll be posting the Giveaway on Facebook and Instagram. Head over to Elaine C Stone to enter!! You can enter on both pages.

How to Enter:

Enter by Monday June 10th to win!

Winners will be announced Wednesday June 12th on my blog, Facebook and Instagram!

I Hope You Win!!

Celebrate with me by entering to win!!

In Print,

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