Well …. It’s another BIG week in our family!

Another release coming Friday!!

My sons’ band, My Epic, releases their newest album, LORIELLA, on Tooth and Nail records!

They have other albums, but this is the first one on Tooth and Nail Records. It has taken years to bring this one project to completion. The band experienced many life events but persevered until they were thrilled with the product, refusing to consider it finished.

My sons have had a named band since the middle school years. Till college, they practiced in our house, mostly. I’ve been their biggest fan, even though my hearing took a hit😂 I remember saying things like, “Can you turn the amp down any lower?” Usual reply was, “It’s at the lowest!” I recall, as a novice “band Mom”, asking, “Do you have to use an amp to practice?” I thought speakers were for the masses to hear the band. Silly me, you can’t hear an electric guitar if it’s not plugged in! And then, there are the pedals!! Pedals change the sound of the guitar coming through the amp. No amp means no pedal usage.

How can a Rock band practice without amps and pedals?

AND drums don’t have volume control!

Come on Mom!

Ok, I had a learning curve! Now, I am beyond the learning curve. I cannot keep up with all the components of music nowadays. There are so many, many sounds other than 4 instruments playing on a stage. Recording an album is an unbelievable amount of techniques and nuances to get to a final version. It’s a creative masterpiece of sounds, tracks, lyrics, loops, instruments, pedals and many other components I can’t name! I only know about the fringes!

LET ME BE CLEAR … I LOVE THIS BAND and their commitment to excellence! I have also always loved their lyrics!!

One of the sweetest sounds in the world is hearing your children sing. Especially if, you come from a musical family and have grown up surrounded by music!

In case you’re wondering, my oldest son, Aaron, is the lead vocalist and chief lyricist. He would say it’s all a group effort. He stimulates a lot of the writing, but he’s got brilliant musicians surrounding him. It is a joint compilation to bring songs to completion.

My son, Jesse, was the lead drummer for many years. Overtime, he has stepped back because of family and work. I think he plays in two songs on this project. They now have a drummer, Alex, who is an exceptional addition. He plays drums on the road and in most of the new songs.

Aside: Jesse is what we call a “harmony machine”. Harmonies flow out of him like a waterfall! He passed the gift to his sister as well. Sibling harmonies are The Best: so tight and dialed in! When my children sing together… nothing but chills and goosebumps!! It’s heavenly, other worldly. It resonates deep in my bones.

LORIELLA, a ten song album, releases Friday, June 28th. They have pre-released three singles. They’ve been hitting the charts with these pre-releases! You can find all three on their YouTube channel, My Epic. Or join their FB page.

The second pre-release is titled “Heavy Heart”. It was the first song Aaron wrote after becoming a Dad. I adore it, but I’ll let it speak for itself…

Here is a little short explaining more.

Here are the lyrics:

     Your mother’s eyes, You got your father’s smile

     When they meet you, they always see who you look like 

     despite the structure of your bones, 

     your heart is all your own but you will carry ours along

With so many beats in one chest, Sometimes you crush me with the weight of it 

Small as you are, you got a Really heavy heart

Don’t be scared to show your hand, Mine to G-d, when it’s all done, it’s all you have

And when they’re blown away and shaken, I bet you barely even notice it

Small as you are, you got a really heavy heart

A streak of white on wild blue

It doesn’t seem too out of sight to capture you it’s all a matter of perspective

Just a place in yours but it means the world

To anyone you open up your heavy heart

Take our love and make your own way, I bet they never see it coming

Small as you are, you got a really heavy heart.

Here’s a video short with some lyric explanation…

The concept of “Heavy” some might use the word “full”. But, it’s more than that. It’s heavy with love. Aaron and I were discussing after my first hearing … not only is it heavy with Goldie’s parents’ unconditional love, but it’s weighty… it’s important, it matters, it carries a lot in it. I started parsing it out … not only her parents’ love, but her grandparents’ love, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, Great grandparents, Great Aunts, Great Uncles ….. etc. etc. on and on back through generations. We pass on the love from past generations. Plus, it holds the unconditional love of God! That is one little Heavy Heart!

To say you have a heavy heart for someone means they matter to you. You’ve heard the expression “My heart is heavy.” In this context, it almost always has a sad or negative connotation. But, this song is in the positive. My heavy heart means it’s full of love and importance.

Now … my youngest grand (14 months) watching her uncle sing Heavy Heart. So precious, when he came on the screen, she crawled to the closest seat in the house … watching and waving the whole way through. In her style, she clapped at the end! She waved at her cousin and aunt in the middle too. Be still my heart!!

My heart is heavy!

How About Yours?

If you struggle to find love and importance in your life, I hope some of these thoughts will sink in! You are loved! You are important! You matter!!! No one is insignificant!! If you need more confirmation, send me a message!

More about the band … Here!

Don’t forget … ”Bolt From The Blue” is available on Amazon. Reviews from readers are gold to us! Keep passing the word!

A full Heart,

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2 thoughts on “Another RELEASE … FRIDAY!!

  1. Another banner week for the Stones! How exciting! It sure is thrilling to see your children use their God-given talents – especially in a ministry. Music is such a powerful way to reach out, isn’t it? Thanks for including the links – their music is great! May God use My Epic in countless ways……

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