A Shower-Singer?

Are you a Shower-Singer?


Do you have one in your home/life?

I’m a singer, but not so much in the shower … I’m just trying to remember if I’ve shampooed my hair once or twice!

Sunday morning, we sang a song in worship that instantly transported me back 7 years. A young 10-year-old became part of our family. His journey had been hard, and he was not always open with his thoughts and feelings, which was totally understandable.

When he attended church with us, he was respectful, but we barely heard a peep from him during the singing part of worship. He never complained, but singing publicly was not the norm for him. He expressed which songs were his favorites and even requested this one particular song frequently. It just so happened the Worship Pastor was part of our family too, so he had a private audience to express his wishes.

We knew this song was his favorite. It had a chorus that started out quietly and built to our congregation loudly singing/shouting … “Shout it. Go on and scream it from the mountains, Go on and tell it to the masses, That He is God…”

Being his “Mumzee”, one morning, I was in his new home in the kitchen. From the bathroom, I heard a voice. I moved closer to see if someone was speaking to me. That was not it! As I stood in the hall, I heard the voice of a precious ten-year-old boy, in the shower singing this very song, every word perfect, precise and on pitch. (Children’s voices have always ministered to me.) As he sang the song, his voice got louder and louder just like the congregation till he was shouting in the safe solace of warm water pouring over him.

My heart melted! Tears filled my eyes! It was the most precious sound, I can’t even find words! Ahhh, such pure perfection. From his heart, to God’s ears and I was the very fortunate bystander allowed to eavesdrop. I felt like an intruder. These moments of joy and bliss were handed to me out of nowhere. Served on a silver platter. Imprinted on my memory to be retrieved at perfect moments like yesterday.

Just the first few notes, started the film reel rolling in my mind. I caught my breath and could barely sing. It all came back in a flood overtaking my heart once again. I melt at the memory. A fresh welcomed wind blew through my soul with joy and bliss.

My daughter also was and is a Shower-Singer. The water starts; so does she. I can’t tell you how many times I became quiet, sat on the steps to hear her worship songs at shower time. She sang songs I knew and songs she made up on the spot. She told me it was her personal worship time. Some songs she wrote down after her shower. And repeated them many more times in her private water worship chamber.

Music speaks to me anyway, but add a child singing from a pure and unguarded heart and you might as well rapture me!

Apparently showers start a song in some hearts, fills their lungs and escapes through their lips. I feel so privileged to have a few in my life.

How about you?

Does anyone come to mind?

Is there a favorite song you remember?

Here’s the one that overtook me yesterday, if you’d like a listen … Click Here!

Sorry, you can’t hear the young ten-year-old singing it.

Take my word for it, your heart would melt too!

November Thankfuls #16 – Shower Singers!

Loving Shower-Singers,

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6 thoughts on “A Shower-Singer?

  1. Growing up, if our Lindsay wasn’t talking she was singing! I, too, have sat on the steps or stood at her door listening many times. Joy to my soul!

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