Sending LOVE from My Studio (Shed) …

I hope you had a loving Valentine’s Day!

I hope you know you ARE loved!!

There is a God who created, designed, and gave you life out of love! I don’t believe we are just cells that came together mysteriously creating life. I believe God created each human out of His love. The Bible says He made us in His image: there is something about each of us that resembles Him. Take a minute some time to think about that. What about me resembles God? I’m uncertain exactly what features might look like Him, yet I like to imagine!

If you feel no one in this world loves you… He does!!

“We love because He FIRST loved us.” 1 John 4:19

We can’t see God with human eyes, but it doesn’t mean He is not among us. Just because our human minds cannot fully understand eternal/spiritual realms, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. The Bible teaches God is ALWAYS with us.

All that to say…

I want YOU to feel loved this week!

I know it’s a small modest effort, but I’d love for you to win this Giveaway as a reminder!!

For Christmas, my family gifted me a new toy… a Cricut Joy! (This post is not sponsored.)

For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s a designing drawing cutting machine to make a gazillion different things with! It cuts out just about anything on paper, vinyl, fabrics, card stock, and more. I’ve wanted one for years, but couldn’t justify the purchase. My dreams came true!

Needless to say, I have been enjoying learning a few ways to use it. Of course, my New “Studio” (Click here to see my studio.) has made it irresistibly inviting to create. “Fails” and “Nailed It” have both happened as I seek to flatten the “learning curve”.

It’s an intuitive machine, but learning the design app takes some experience and YouTube tutorials. It’s been a lot of fun learning a new hobby with tons of actual possibilities to ponder; presents, decor, giveaway items, cards, organizing labels, t-shirts, monogramming, on and on it goes, endlessly! I have to set boundaries to not let it consume my time.

I have one birthday present under my belt and THIS GIVEAWAY is my second project!

From my humble newbie efforts, here is what one of you who enter the Giveaway will win…

With the “Joy”, I created and put the words/heart on the mug and notebook, made the stickers inside the notebook for you. There will be a little surprise in the bag as well.

You are all loved… One of you will win these simple reminders!

TOMORROW, go to my Facebook or Instagram page to ENTER!

The winner will be announced next Tuesday, RIGHT HERE!!

What makes you feel loved?

Do you have a new toy… do tell?

Do me a favor, look into a mirror and say these words from me…

“YOU are Loved and Lovely!!!”

If you have any questions about God’s love for you, feel free to message me or leave me a comment.

Loved to Love,

2 thoughts on “Sending LOVE from My Studio (Shed) …

  1. You will really enjoy your Cricket, Elaine, Kimberly has one and does many neat things with hers and has gifted me with several things. I just love your Special Shed where you can go and do what you love to do and even relax. How nice!

    Liked by 1 person

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