What’s Up in the Shed?

It’s been a while since I’ve updated you on my “She-Shed”! Mostly because it’s taken a while to get it functional: purging through boxes of office and craft supplies from our old house. We had a holiday break in the mix too.

First Update…

“She-Shed”, we discovered, was hard to roll off the tongue. It got shortened to Shed, which seemed a disservice to its finished interior. So we renamed it.

She-Shed” has become “Studio”!

My writing/creating studio!

Second Update… it is finished, but not completely accessorized

After the construction completed…


The studio received high reviews after housing some overnight guests during the holidays. There’s a trundle under the twin. It’s a tight squeeze if both beds are in use, but it’s basically just for sleeping when we need the space.

We have had some freezing temps night after night, yet the heater keeps up, as warm as you want it.

I’ve had a few naps while out there working. It’s peaceful. As long as the “man-shed” is not in use!

One evening I was out there working. All of the sudden my porch motion sensor lights came on. Having heard no voices or footsteps, I jumped up wondering what was out there. To my surprise a sly fox, I think a red one, was sauntering down to the lake. I watched him till he crested the knoll. He didn’t come back the same route while I was out there. That’s our first sighting of a fox in our neighborhood. Glad it wasn’t a bear … they have been photographed here in the fall, but not by me!

Third Update, Furnishings …

I shopped our stored furniture to furnish the space. We kept everything from our larger house until this smaller house is furnished and functioning to its optimum. We wanted to give ourselves all the options for finishing our new abode.

I needed a storage cabinet for my craft/hobby items and contemplated lots of choices: a sleek new modern floor model, Wall cabinets, Open shelves, etc. I kept thinking about my dining room china cabinet in storage. I just had a visual that it could bring charm and be an acceptable footprint. In small spaces, everything has to earn its footprint. Inches/feet matter. Vertical space is premium!

After mapping out the cabinets measurements and knowing it would work size-wise, my husband agreed to bring the China cabinet into the space to see I liked it there.

A long time ago, a sweet older friend told and taught me to shop my house. She would come to my house, walk around and help me rearrange furniture and decor. It was amazing to watch and learn.

For home decor, I think, you need to try before you’ll know. I believe in measuring more than once, but until it fills the space, you just won’t know for sure. Here, I had the luxury of a 100% trial. We don’t always get that when ordering furnishings, but measure, measure, measure. Even use craft paper cut to dimensions to fill the space before purchasing. Furniture looks different in different spaces.

All that to say, we brought our old China cabinet in, which was refurbished when I bought it. And it hasn’t left! It worked, and I am satisfied with its presence in the space. I could have gotten more storage space with a solid cabinet, but it would be at the expense of charm and character. I, instead, will limit my acquisitions to the space!

I originally bought this cabinet because it reminded me of one my grandmother had. I liked it since I was a child. Back then, I knew it held treasures, grandma’s best. We got things out for holiday dinners. I recall looking in the window many times to glimpse her cherished dishes. The emotional connection I attach to this piece adds to its charisma.

The Studio stills needs some dressing. Maybe, another shelf or two, pictures, paintings, who knows? 



Gone, done, no more!

Downsizing seems endless, but I’m celebrating this milestone!

The Studio is up, functioning and occupied!

Can I get a hand raise?!?

Where have you experienced progress lately?

Shout it out in the comments!!!

I want to cheer with you!

Stay Tuned for Giveaway coming SOON!

Thankful for my peaceful creating place,

12 thoughts on “What’s Up in the Shed?

  1. This has turned out absolutely adorable! And so functional too! I love your decorating skills.
    We spent our first Christmas in our new to us house and after the holidays we packed up and stored only what we actually used. We got rid of the rest that we’ve hung on to for years…knowing we’ll never use them again.
    Fortunately my military background has made me less sentimental about things than most people. But I still hang on to my grandmother’s two corner china cabinets, even though we really have no room (or corners) for them. My hubby has graciously put them in his small office to “store” (and fill) until our daughter (who is living in Italy) comes back to the states to claim them. Some things you just know are special! They were hand made from trees from my great grandparents farm.
    Looks to me that you have a lovely, relaxing spot!! Great job!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Brenda! Glad your passing on such a cherished piece to your daughter!! I love a visual but it has to function to… for multiple purposes… so blending all of that together is a challenge but I think it through a lot before moving on ideas!!

      Cheers to you for cleaning out and purging!!! No small feat👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🥳🥳🥳


  2. Hi Elaine!

    Love your shed “studio!” You did a great job decorating and what a cozy space for you to write and have your special times with the Lord. Miss all of you precious ladies!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I simply could not love this shed more – all the touches are truly inspiring! I’ve recently learned that “your space” whether at home or work, truly matters as it effects your mood, quality of work, creativity and just overall healthy head space! I changed my desk at work and everyone keeps commenting that they’ve never seen me so happy. So yes, I agree, the “little” things make a BIG difference!

    Liked by 1 person

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